在荧幕上,他是个无所不能的超级英雄,总能在最后一刻拯救世界,但每次拍摄结束后,他总是第一个冲向化妆间,由于他急着变回那个连晚餐都煮糊的普通人。 Shakespeare once said, "what tangled webs we weave", and this is the through-line of On the Fringe of Wild. Peter is a young gay man whose father is trying to make a man of him by taking him camping. He is also a talented artist who uses drawing to escape his life and hopes to get into a prestigious art school. He is being bullied by almost everyone at school, especially the popular boy Miles, who himself is closeted and using a tough guy image and a girlfriend on his arm as his defense from being found out. Miles is having a secret affair with Jack, a very insecure young man living in constant fear of his very violent and abusive alcoholic father. When Jack and Peter each escape their living situations, a chance encounter will change their lives forever as the two set up a temporary home free of the bigotry and violence they have endured. As they become close and try to be their authentic selves, Jack can no longer take the forces that are trying to tear them apart, leading to an ending that is incredibly difficult to accept but all too often a reality for many LGBTQ+ youth.
2025-02-04 18:38:17,最后更新于 1月前