现在的人真是爱管闲事!我跟我女朋友在电话里打骂关他甚么事?他又不认识我女朋友。更可爱的他还叫来了保安!真憎恶,今后再也不来这家电影院了。 The story is set in 1920. While on a brief visit to Sicily, the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature Luigi Pirandello (Servillo) has an unexpected experience which leads to him meeting two singular theatre characters, Onofrio Principato (Ficarra) and Sebastiano Vella (Picone), amateur thesps who are auditioning for a new show alongside other actors from their am-dram group. This encounter between the brilliant author of "Six Characters in Search of an Author" and the ragtag theatrical group will turn out to be the source of countless surprises.
2024-10-03 04:32:07,最后更新于 5月前