In the radioactive Dead Zone surrounding Chernobyl’s Reactor No. 4, a defiant community of women scratches out an existence on some of the most toxic land on Earth. They share this hauntingly beautiful but lethal landscape with an assortment of interlopers—scientists, soldiers, and even ‘stalkers’—young thrill-seekers who sneak in to pursue post-apocalyptic video game-inspired fantasies. Why the film’s central characters, Hanna Zavorotyna, Maria Shovkuta, and Valentyna Ivanivna, chose to return after the disaster, defying the authorities and endangering their health, is a remarkable tale about the pull of home, the healing power of shaping one’s destiny and the subjective nature of risk昨天放工接妻子,我是骑摩托的,远远的瞥见媳妇在那站着,另有很多多少其余女共事,因而想漂移曩昔摆一个帅的姿势,成果一个失慎摔了个狗吃屎,这不是症结,我爬起来委曲的叫了声妻子我来了,那二货满脸怀疑的来了句你谁啊,,,,
2024-10-03 05:22:01,最后更新于 5月前
