I Don’t Belong Anywhere - Le Cinéma de Chantal Akerman, explores some of the Belgian filmmaker’s 40 plus films. From Brussels to Tel-Aviv, from Paris to New-York, this documentary charts the sites of her peregrinations. An experimental filmmaker, a nomad, Chantal Akerman shares her cinematic trajectory, one that has never ceased to interrogate the the meaning of her existence. Thanks in great part to the interventions of her editor, Claire Atherton, she delineates the origins of her film language and her aesthetic stance 早上老爸骂我,都快30的人了,还一事无成,整天就晓得玩,看看人他人家的谁谁跟你一边多数开公司了。我随口说了一句,你跟马云还一边大呢,看看人家。老爸马上无声,瞪大眼睛看我,我是否是该跑了……
2024-10-03 05:00:46,最后更新于 5月前
