Tae-gyu and Ji-hye get married. Two young lovers dreamed of the ideal married life which each had respect for each other. But honeymoon is soon over as each comes to realize that the other isn't quite what they thought. The liberal woman would like to talk of sex with frankness and ease. The conservative man can't get rid of his traditional sense of superiority. They end up hurting each other and decide to get a (limited) divorce. Once apart, they each begin to feel empty without the other, and realized they need to make an effort to understand each other看一电视采访张国立演皇上,他说:你们看演时好景色,前簇后拥,膜拜一片,只需听导演喊卡,再叫一声用饭了,四周人哗一下做鸟兽散,留他一人坐龙椅上,想一想那场景,我笑了
2024-10-03 19:53:48,最后更新于 5月前