Duke is a crooked and music-mad police officer. Frankly, he's a really bad cop. He deals recreational drugs and loves to bully the citizens of Los Angeles. Among Duke's partners in the department are a sexually abusive policeman, an extortionist blonde, a family guy with a dubious past, and a one-eyed extremist who dreams of becoming a techno musician. Their once smoothly running corrupt scheme develops a critical flaw when a guy whom Duke shots by accident and stuffs in the trunk of his car suddenly turns out to be alive..或人在牛奶场找到一份事情,第一天放工,老板给他一只桶和一条凳让他去牛奶棚挤奶,他快乐地领命而去。放工的时刻,老板见他被溅了浑身的牛奶,并且那条凳子腿也断了,就问他:“怎样,这活挺难吗?”
2024-10-03 05:31:37,最后更新于 5月前