马丁·贝伦斯为德国联邦情报局工一个练了三年散打的小哥们看我长的人高马大的,非要和我练练。不到两分钟我就把他按到地上一顿狂揍。他站起伤感的说:老子练了三年的散打竟然被你按在地上一顿打,真是白练了。 。。岂非我练过9年的广播体操,我会奉告你!哼,有真功夫的人便是这么低调。。一天,他从他的一个联系人那里得到信息,导致无人驾驶飞机对一个被扎希里斯坦政府通缉的恐怖分子发动袭击。几天后,恐怖分子袭击慕尼黑一家餐馆,报复无人机袭击,他的生活迅速失控。马丁试图找出谁是这次袭击的责任人,并了解到答案就在离家不舒服的地方。 Martin Behrens works for the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND). One day he receives information from one of his contacts that leads to a drone strike against a terrorist wanted by the government of Zahiristan. His life quickly spirals out of control when, a few days later, terrorists attack a Munich restaurant in a reprisal for the drone strike. Martin tries to find out who is responsible for the attack and learns that the answer lies uncomfortably close to home.
2024-10-02 19:57:29,最后更新于 5月前